hey friends!​

I'm Shelby and this was my journey to creating Ivy League Stylist

I just want to take a moment and thank you for being here, just that alone makes you a part of one of my biggest dreams. Those dreams are constantly evolving and growing and I would love for you to continue to be a part of them. 

I probably should have known that the little girl who was mixing “secret potions” of pool water and lotion for her friends to pour on their heads to make their hair grow would grow up to be a hairstylist. But the journey from ambitious eight year old to actual entrepreneur and business owner wasn’t always so clear. 


I didn't always have a successful business and endless ambition..

In fact, just a few years ago, you would have found me second guessing that doing hair was a good career choice – and googling careers that would make me the most income possible instead of chasing my dreams.

At the age of 15, I put my fears of not making money in this career aside & I enrolled in beauty school –  thinking doing hair would be a great way to pay for college for what i thought was going to be my “actual career”. Little did I know, that first day of beauty school would change my entire career path, & I would never think twice about attending college for anything else.


That single day, lead me to becoming a fully booked stylist within a year, quickly achieving six figures in the industry, and then – opening my very own salon at 19. 

As my business began to grow and I cultivated my team, I educated my stylists in every methods and techniques that I had tried and fallen in love with, and taught them the things that they should avoid doing to progress their careers. That’s when I discovered a new dream; teaching!

And thus… Ivy League Stylist was born. The industries most prestigious grad school for hairstylists. Whether you are a new stylist that is looking to dive deep into color theory and bridge the gap from beauty school to actually being behind the chair doing hair, Or a stylist thats in need of some inspiration and in depth color knowledge and advanced techniques – or even the stylist looking to scale and become an industry leader – Ivy League Stylist will be here to lead you through your own personal transformational journey.